DC Intergroup has issued a Request for Proposals, to solicit your ideas on enhancing communications with members and groups of the local DC Area SAA Fellowship as well as nurturing connection among our members and local groups. See the News/Events page for details.
St. Thomas Anglican Church - Gainesville, VA
Thursday 7:30 pm Crossroads (va60)
Format: Step/Topic (Closed/Mixed)
The meeting is in the room to the left of the entrance door. The entrance to the room can be reached by proceeding straight back to the hallway and turning left. The door is directly across from the bathrooms.
This meeting is hybrid (it also meets via zoom):
ID: 844 4550 5900, Passcode: 123456
Closed - Only those seeking their own sexual sobriety
Mixed - Men and Women
Additional Information
7500 Logos Way
Gainesville Virginia 20155
United States