DC Intergroup has issued a Request for Proposals, to solicit your ideas on enhancing communications with members and groups of the local DC Area SAA Fellowship as well as nurturing connection among our members and local groups. See the News/Events page for details.
TO: Entire SAA Fellowship of the Metro DC Area
FROM: DC Metro Intergroup Chair, Danny A.
RE: Ideas and Proposals to Strengthen Intergroup’s Communications Infrastructure
Background: The DC Metro SAA Intergroup seeks to improve communications with the entire fellowship. Currently, the primary channels for communication are through the Intergroup’s website (www.dcmetrosaa.org ) and through a network of Intergroup Representatives from nearly 50 virtual, hybrid, and in-person meetings in over 20 locations in Virginia, Maryland, DC and Delaware. Theoretically, each Intergroup Representative attends the monthly Intergroup business meetings and then reports back to his or her meeting regarding news and other activities of the Intergroup. Examples of Intergroup activities at present and in the past include:
• Planning and delivering SAA annual retreats;
• Planning and delivering SAA recovery days;
• Preparation of newcomer packets;
• Providing Zoom meeting IDs for use by virtual and hybrid meetings;
• Representing the DC Metro Area in SAA national and international activities;
• Planning and hosting outer circle social activities such as bike rides, hikes, and group outings to sporting events.
In recent years, especially in the wake of the Pandemic, the Intergroup’s ability to serve and to communicate effectively with the broader fellowship has faced challenges. One of the major issues is the Intergroup’s inability to engage the fellowship in bringing new ideas, new blood, and new energy to the work of the Intergroup so that it can be of better service to the fellowship.
Purpose of RFP: This essentially is a call for help. We are soliciting your ideas on the central issue of bringing in new ideas, new blood, and new energy to the work of the Intergroup. More specifically, we are soliciting ideas and proposals in three specific areas:
1. Improving Communications Infrastructure: Are there applications or other technology that can strengthen the Intergroup’s ability to directly communicate with as many members as possible of the DC Metro SAA fellowship? What are the functionalities of such applications or technology? What are the costs?
2. Compiling Comprehensive Database of Contact Information: Related to item 1, what are the issues (technological, anonymity, security, practical, etc.) surrounding the compilation, maintenance, and use of a database containing a comprehensive listing of emails and/or mobile numbers of the fellowship in the DC Metro area.
3. Community Engagement: What sort of activities and events would you like to see the Intergroup plan, develop, and execute to increase community engagement?
Please send your ideas and proposals by OCTOBER 31, 2023 to the Intergroup Chair, Danny A, at dannyinrecovery829@gmail.com and Intergroup Vice Chair, Jason R. at jasonrinrecovery@gmail.com.
Click here for a PDF version of this notice.